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    Annual Membership Prices


Why be a member at Hesston Golf Course?
-Access to our beautiful 18 hole facility!
-Access to our newly renovated driving range!
-Discounted Tournament Entry Fees!
-Simplicity- Swing in the shop and let us know you are here and then head out to play!
-Flexibility- Play as many holes or as few as you want!
-Social- Meet new people to play with and form lasting relationships here at Hesston!

We offer different types of memberships that fit your lifestyle!

We also offer different payment plans that help fit a membership into your budget! 

Contact Zach Frey at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call the shop at (620)327-2331 and our staff can help answer any questions you might have!

Below are our Membership Options,


2025 Membership Pricing and Options

Please note, the monthly option is a payment plan with a committment of 12 months, not a "pay per month you want to play" option.

Membership Prices21

***$100 for each additional person on the “Couple” Memberships and they must live in the same house as well as college age or younger***


Range Membership: $300.  Couple Range Membership: $400.


We offer semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly payment plans! Credit card info will be stored and cards will be charge when the due date comes. 


handicap 2020

It is that time of year to renew your World Handicap System GHIN Handicap at Hesston Golf Course! If you haven't ever had a handicap, we encourage you to do this through our club! Not only do you get an official handicap, you help our club in the process!
The dues for the 2024 season will be $52. See all the information below to get yourself signed up! 
We are encouraging everyone to sign up online by clicking on the link and paying with your credit card through our governing affiliation, Central Links Golf. You can also select your account to be revolving which means it will auto-renew you every year and you don't ever have to think about renewing your GHIN again!
Click on the link below to renew/sign up online!
If you would rather pay by check or cash, swing by the shop and we can get you settled as well. 
January 1-February 28th is our "inactive" season which will not allow you to post scores due to winter playing conditions. Once March 1 arrives, you will be able to begin posting scores! 
Why should you have a WHS GHIN Handicap???
If you have any questions please let me know!

